


“Chery Initiates the Deployment of Self-Agentic Automotive Robots”

-- 2024 Lion Tech Open Ecosystem Conference on AI Agent Technology 


2024 Lion Tech Open Ecosystem Conference on AI Agent Technology opened on June 20 in Hefei, Anhui.

摘  要



2024 Lion Tech Open Ecosystem Conference on AI Agent Technology, hosted by Lion Tech (Chery) and organized by Anhui Broadcasting Corporation, was held at Anhui Radio and Television Center on June 20, 2024. Ms. Ding Xueyi, head of Cloud Data Center, Ecological Operation Center and AI Incubator of Lion Tech (Chery), officially released Chery’s vertical AI big model LionButterfly 1.0 and intelligent agent LionCarmind 0.5, and shared the Lion·Fox architecture that integrates vertical big model technologies and intelligent agents in the automobile industry and reduces computing power.


Moreover, Dr. Gao Xinhua, Chairman of Lion Tech, announced Project LionCarmind with 40+ intelligent agents for the next three years. He declared that LionCarmind’s mission is to leverage AI big model technology to create an ecosystem adapt to the usage scenarios of Chery users as well as eliminate pseudo demands. Dr. Gao, directly requested several Chery’s vehicle leaders at the conference to accelerate the implementation of LionCarmind, which shows his resolution to promote the project. The release of both the technology and the project indicates that Chery’s automotive intelligence will be focus on the deployment of automotive robots, and enters the era of AI-defined vehicles.


雄狮科技董事长 高新华

Gao Xinhua, deputy general manager and dean of the General Institute of Technology Research and Development of Chery and Chairman of Lion Tech


We need to identify the value of the automotive ecosystem and master AI big model technology. Self-Agentic is the future of intelligent automobiles  


During the development of connected vehicles over the last decade, the selection of and investment in ecosystem have almost become the key factors for smart cabin products. Many automobile companies are faced with the huge imbalance between long-term investment and output, which further damages their user experience. Due to the large investment, OEMs are keen to convert ecosystem into cash. Currently, while the automotive infotainment ecosystem can replicate mobile phone applications in a simplified manner, it can't introduce mobile phone operation modes. Consequently, it has been challenging for automobile companies to convert automotive ecosystem into cash through operation. Three years ago, Chery proposed to build its automobile ecosystem with rational thinking. To that end, Lion tech determines to achieve its premier goal to identify the valuable automobile ecosystem.



Ding Xueyi, head of Cloud Data Center, Ecological Operation Center and AI Incubator of Lion Tech


Ms. Ding Xueyi discussed the difference of the usage of automobile ecosystem before and after L5. Do people have plenty opportunities to use apps in vehicles before L5? Will people be keen to use more apps in vehicles after L5?


People even don’t need steering wheels to drive cars after L5. Car owners imagine that they can just lie down and play apps on their phones. There is no need for us to replicate the overall mobile phone ecosystem.


She concluded that no matter to what extent we replicate the mobile phone ecosystem in vehicles, people use that less in vehicles. Automobile companies doesn’t need to invest that much to replicate.

她提出雄狮的领悟和策略:我们汽车公司要做的是手机生态中没有的服务生态,是奇瑞二十多年发展积累下的服务经验,贯穿售前、中、后的服务场景,通过AI大模型Lionbutterfly驱动,以LionCarmind智能体的身份为用户提供陪伴与服务,从而为OEM自身构建,有我们血液基因的、我们熟悉的、我们可运营的人工智能机器人。Lion Tech’s vision is to develop an ecosystem that does not exist in mobile phones. It integrates Chery’s service experience over more than 20 years, including pre-sales, in-sales and after-sales scenarios. Driven by the AI big model LionButterfly and building on LionCarmind intelligent agents’ companionship and services, Chery is able to invent AI automotive robots that has our own DNA to be operated.



Ding Xueyi, head of Cloud Data Center, Ecological Operation Center and AI Incubator of Lion Tech


She also noted that Lion Tech’s AI agents doesn’t mean to eliminate jobs, but to prevent our whole personnel from struggling with digital transformation. Enterprises should not use technologies to eliminate jobs, but to use AI technologies and product transformation to improve workflows in marketing, after-sales and dealer sectors.


In a video clip, a user demonstrated his test on LionCarmind-DAJI1989. It was surprising to find that LionCarmind was not an obedient tool. Even if it finally chose to obey to please its owner, it had demands, kindly intervened and guided its user’s behavior, and honestly expressed its feelings. It had its own virtual social circle and social needs and was free to talk to others. It behaved kind while expressing its own emotions. It was loyal to its owner and his/her family and determined to serve them.


Ms. Ding Xueyi called the series of human-like behaviors “Self-Agentic”. She was reluctant to define it as AI during the design of LionCarmind, although it is the trend in the industry. She prefers to describe it as “self”. If LionCarmind only provides standard services which are easier to implement, it is proper to be defined as AI. However, LionCarmind aims to provide human-like companionship, more than just services. Self is its core.



Ding Xueyi, head of Cloud Data Center, Ecological Operation Center and AI Incubator of Lion Tech


It is not difficult to foresee that the R&D investment and deployment of LionCarmind will cost a staggering sum of money.


How can we address the five barriers of AI-defined vehicles?  


It is worth noting that Mr. Wu Xuebin, CEO of Lion Tech, invited his counterparts in the automotive industry, including X-CONNECT (GAC), product digital center and AI laboratory of Great Wall Motor and LYNK&CO (Geely), to share Lion Tech’s latest experience and reflections on AI-defined vehicles.


Mr. Wu Xuebin is open to exchange experience with his counterparts. In the initial stage of AI-defined vehicles, automobile companies are rivals as well as friends. With regard to unknown challenges, it is wise to exchange ideas in order to stay on track and achieve win-win outcomes. OEMs need to dedicate themselves to shaping AI-defined vehicles.

奇瑞汽车股份有限公司副总经理 雄狮科技总经理


Wu Xuebin, deputy general manager of Chery and general manager of Lion Tech


During the summit forum, experts in algorithms, computing power, security and voice fields including Mr. Wu Di, head of Volcano Engine Intelligent Algorithm (Byte Dance), Mr. Xiao Meng, deputy general manager of Baidu Intelligent Cloud Automotive Division, Mr. Xiao Tengfei, Deloitte China Risk Advisory partner, Mr. Wang Mingwei, CTO of Callisto (Beijing) Technology, and Mr. He Weimin, deputy general manager of iFlytek’s Automotive Division, talked to Ms. Ding Xueyi from Lion Tech about the five barriers of AI-defined vehicles. 


The summit roundtable on automotive robots at 2024 Lion Tech Open Ecosystem Conference on AI Agent Technology.

汽车机器人高峰圆桌会 发言嘉宾

Guest speakers provided distinct viewpoints of automotive robots during the summit roundtable, including Wu Di, head of Volcano Engine Intelligent Algorithm (Byte Dance), Wang Mingwei, CTO of Callisto (Beijing) Technology, Ding Xueyi, head of Cloud Data Center, Ecological Operation Center and AI Incubator of Lion Tech, Xiao Tengfei, Deloitte China Risk Advisory partner, He Weimin, deputy general manager of iFlytek’s Automotive Division, and Xiao Meng, deputy general manager of Baidu Intelligent Cloud Automotive Division. 







Question from enterprises:

1. What are the business opportunities for LionCarmind intelligent agent?

2. What security methods are required for AI big model in vehicles?

3. How does the automotive operating system integrate with AI agent ecosystem?

4. Does the AI big model change the current product form of intelligent cabins?

5. How to reduce computing power dependence between AI big models and intelligent computing centers?





Questions form users:

1. Will AI revolt against humans like Rise of the Planet of the Apes?

2. Do I have access to the services provided by upgraded automotive robots in my low configuration vehicle in the future?

3. Can the ID of my automotive robot be inherited?


Please continue to follow the Lion Tech official Wechat account for more Summit Forum highlights.


The keynote speech of Mr. Yin Tongyue, spiritual leader of Lion Tech, is following for your information  

奇瑞控股集团党委书记、奇瑞董事长尹同跃先生以VCR致辞开幕中提出,未来奇瑞智能化主要分为两个维度,Self 的Driving是其一(大卓智能),Self的 Communication是其二(雄狮科技)。他鼓励汽车人面对挑战,并将这个时代的汽车人称之为“幸运儿”,因为汽车正在进入一个大多元的时代,无数的智慧和技术都能在当下以汽车作为载体而得以施展。

Mr. Yin Tongyue, secretary of the Party Committee and chairman of Chery Holding Group, stated in the opening speech VCR that Chery’s future intelligence will be divided into two dimensions, Self Driving (by ZDrive.AI) and Self Communication (by Lion Tech). He encouraged automobile companies to rise to challenges and referred to them as “lucky ones”, since we were entering an era full of opportunies to pursue intelligence and technologies.


Yin Tongyue, secretary of the Party Committee and chairman of Chery Holding Group delivered the opening speech in the VCR



It is pleased to have you here to share Chery’s latest achievements in automotive intelligence. In the era of traditional vehicles, Chery independently developed our own engine technology, the core competency of China’s local automotive brands. After 2 decades of development, Chery has taken hold in the industry.


At present, we are witnessing the times of intelligent vehicles. If engines are described as “automobile’s heart”, we are now endeavoring to develop an autonomous and intelligent automotive brain. We keep trying, making mistakes, and gaining experience. In regard to intelligent automobiles, there are many participants from all walks of life. Nonetheless all the products seem to be homogeneous and don’t cater to users’ preferences. We can’t receive clear and explicit feedback from our users, unlike that of traditional vehicles, such as safe, easy to drive, low fuel consumption and comfort.


From the very beginning, we always tried to learn from other trades. As you can see, the results weren’t satisfying. However, during this process, we gradually understood that we couldn’t simply replicate the ecosystem from mobile phones and provide all mobile apps in vehicles.


By analyzing our user data, we know that our users aren’t likely to use mobile ecosystem in vehicles. In recent years, we began to adopt rational and ecological thinking to optimize our in-vehicle ecosystem. We manage to provide our exclusive and competitive services building on data analysis and features and advantages of our models.

我们将未来奇瑞智能化分为两个维度:Self 的Driving是其一,Self的 Communication是其二。我们都知道自动驾驶是一个技术攻坚战,模仿人类开车,甚至超越人类开车。但汽车类人化的交互也是极具挑战的,是直接刻画一个人类,甚至比人类更优秀的硅基生命体。奇瑞不造机器人,但时代指引我们要造汽车机器人。这是一个巨大的挑战,但奇瑞人的风骨是:“奇瑞决定了”,就要“奇瑞造”,将它实现!

As for Chery’s future dimensions of intelligence, Self Driving and Self Communication, we all know that we need to make breakthroughs in core technologies to achieve self-driving which imitate or even surpass human driving. Meanwhile, we are also faced with a significant challenge of humanized interaction. We will directly create a human-like silicon-based organism, even better than humans. Chery never manufactures robots, but we are destined to invent automotive robots. Although it is a huge challenge, we are resolved to make a difference!

幸运的是,我们汽车人是时代的幸运儿,AI平权的窗口时机在我们面前。雄狮科技的大数据团队利用AI大模型LionButterfly作为基座,通过向内向外的服务整合思路来繁育智能体生态群,成就LionCarmind ,我们奇瑞的汽车大脑。

Fortunately, we are lucky to have equal access to AI technologies. Based on the AI big model LionButterfly, the cloud data team from Lion Tech integrates internal and external services to cultivate our intelligent agent ecosystem and release LionCarmind, Chery’s automotive brain.


The release of LionCarmind also indicates that we will focus on developing automotive robots to provide customized services for our owners and ourselves. We are determined to develop our unique competences in intelligent automotive technologies.


The only reason for us to develop Chery’s distinctive intelligent vehicles is to make users take Chery into account when purchasing a new car, which represents an opportunity window for us to compete through our exclusive competencies. In this way, we hope customers will be more decisive to buy a Chery.

奇瑞当下及未来的技术战略之一是Chery AI。Lion intelligence就是Chery intelligence的缩影。通过今天奇瑞汽车大脑 - LionCarmind的发布,我相信大家会更好地了解我们智能化的战略和策略。我很高兴,好像时隔二十多年,又看到了当年一群研制发动机技术的奇瑞人身影。

Chery AI is one of our long-term technology strategies, while Lion intelligence plays a key role in it. Through today’s release of Chery’s automotive brain LionCarmind, I believe you will have a better understanding of our intelligent strategies. I am glad to once again witness the spirits of our engine technology developers after all these years.


I am here to declare Chery’s resolution to push into automobile intelligence.


I would like to thank the following guests once again for participating in this conference.  











Academician Yang Shanlin and his team from Hefei University of Technology

Ding Guoxiang, member of the Party Committee and Chief Engineer of Anhui Broadcasting Corporation

Open Automotive Ecology Laboratory of Anhui Province

X-CONNECT (GAC), Great Wall Motors, and LYNK&CO (Geely)

Volcano Engine team

Baidu Intelligent Cloud team

Deloitte China

iFlytek’s Automotive Division

Callisto’s technology team

And our Chery family

中国工程院院士 合肥工业大学教授 杨善林

Yang Shanlin, academician of CAE and professor at Hefei University of Technology

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